Dr David Hillson, The Risk Doctor
In this episode, I have a chat with Dr David Hillson, The Risk Doctor. David is an international thought-leader in risk management, with a global reputation as an excellent speaker and award-winning author. Countless individuals, teams and organisations have benefited from his blend of innovative insights with practical application, presented in an accessible style that combines clarity with humour. He also shares his insights regularly through books, papers and articles, as well as the regular series of Risk Doctor Briefings. David’s speaking and writing is guided by the Risk Doctor motto: “Understand profoundly so you can explain simply. To listen to the podcast click below (or one of the links at the bottom of this post) For more information about David take a look at the following links: Website: www.risk-doctor.com Email: contact@risk-doctor.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/RiskDoctorVideo Thanks to David for a brilliant interview, until next time r