
Been a bit 'busy'

So as you will see I have not posted anything for a while I have been 'busy' and not on any of my book projects. What does busy mean, well we all seem to be busy and wear it a bit like a badge, but as I heard on a podcast called IM Talk if you are too busy to meet any commitments you have made that means you have weighed up priorities and given something else higher priority. We make priority decisions big and small every day. "Shall I check Facebook or chat to my partner", "watch a soap or do exercise"...... Write my book or put extra effort into the job.  I apologise to anyone eagerly waiting for the book, it will come, honest. In the mean time I will finish off the one I started in Jan and publish before the end of the year. You will be happy to hear this one will be a free ebook. Got to go now, bit busy. Nige

I have finally published something

So I have been a little remiss in writing either the blog or the book but I have not been entirely idle. Yesterday I published my first "book". I say book as it is available on kindle but is only 8 pages long and is a play based on the 4 Yorkshireman sketch made famous by Monty Python. For UK readers it can be found here For the US here It should be available in other territories too but I have not yet worked out how to get the links. Hopefully you will find it amusing. Thanks Nige

Eddie Izzard invites you to Join In at parkrun!

Happy New Year : Are you a three day monk?

With the new year approaching and the inevitable resolution discussions and thoughts about setting some new goals and then by the 6th of January enthusiasm seems to wane. This article talks about what you can do to keep going:  The Three-Day Monk Syndrome  by  +Leo Babauta  at Zenhabits. Happy New Year and may it be filled with joy, prosperity and keeping goingness.

Ever found yourself not doing what you know needs to be done

This article really does explain why we all, in most facets of our life avoid things we know we should do. As a PM is it working out you EAC because you think it think give your a number way above your budget. It bring your plan up to date cause you have a feeling that you are going to have to ask people to work the holidays to get back on track. Have a read then I endorse the do 2 minutes. I just did writing this and feel better for it. The Do Plan, or Why We Know But Don’t Do

How to be the worst project manager on the planet

I have done all of these in one form or another. Not proud but understand why I have done.How many have you done. How to Be the Worst Project Manager on the Planet: 11 Habits to Stop Now!

5 Ways to Deal with Stress - Fresh Air - from DEG Consulting

This article from Jeremy Roberts at DEG consulting makes a lot of sense, when the pressures in the office build up what release mechanisms have you got? Today flinging my keyboard down at the desk was one I used (Not the most mature I know).  Getting out and stomping around the car park is another I have used. That helped, a bit, even then thought of kicking a car helped :-) (I know!Still not mature). Jeremy takes the walk one step further and turns it into a more positive direction, focussing on releasing the tension that has built up,  allowing you to think more creatively in solving the problem rather than reacting to it. Have a read, I think it might help, it will save some keyboards in my office at least. 5 Ways to Deal with Stress - Part 1: Fresh Air